Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ask Parvati 23: The Voice - To Speak Or Be Silent? Part 3: Authentic Communication, from Goo to Grammar


(Continued from Part 2: Sounding It Raw And Real)

Much of our developmental information happens in our wee, early years. Before the age of one, we have set up bio-dynamic patterns in our body and psyche that set the stage for our adult life. Before we are able to articulate words, we are sputtering, goo-ing and making all sorts of sounds. During infancy, our bodies are fresh, unencumbered by cerebral tensions. Expression as a means of feeling connected to the raw life force flows through us as toddlers.

As we grow, we learn to put things into sentences and form ideas. In that process, a filter is placed over our impulses as we learn to interact with others and socialize. We learn what we can do and what we must not do in order to get the support from our surrounding that we need to survive. Though we may grow up to be healthy, responsible citizens, we may have lost touch with our inner impulse, our soul voice, our connection to the primal force of “being” versus controlled thinking.

We may hear the phrase “to give voice” and immediately think of speaking. But words are only one part of our daily sonic communications. Clicks, pops, pursed lips, parted mouth, pouting lips, sighs, laughs, grunts, giggles... are all vocalizations we make as adults many times throughout each day that express how we are feeling. No matter how articulate we may be, our inner child still speaks through us in our mannerism and unconscious sound making.

I believe, the more we allow ourselves to deeply relax and subsequently open, the more we access our truest source of power, which is beyond our limited ego or will. I have found this to also be true in exploring the power of the voice. Not only do I find it so for singing, but so for expressing grounded, authentic communication.

Authentic communication is expressed through our whole being. Our mind becomes quiet and alert. Our heart is 'two-way open', that is, open to another and to our self. Our personality is in service to the impulses of our soul. Our soul is connected to the divine.

Connection to our soul voice, expressed through our body happens most easily when relaxed. When we are at ease, we tend to settle and root. When we root, just like all things in nature, we grow and arise. When we are rooted and vital, expansion happens. In an expansion experience, we are living a soul-directed moment. When our life is soul-directed, we are in alignment with our highest good, and the good of all beings.


Find a quiet place where you can lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Begin to breathe naturally, deeply, but without forcing. Allow your body to relax.

Sense or visualize that your body is a tube that runs from the crown of your head to your feet. Once again, begin to yawn and sigh. Allow your whole being to open up. Do this for some time.

Then gently roll onto your side and press yourself up into standing. Do the same exercise standing, allowing yourself to relax, yawn and sigh.

Then shake out your feet, shoulders, arms, hands. Rub your hands over your face.

Open and close your mouth so that you give the muscles of your face a good stretch. Then take a deep breath and exhale so that you sputter your lips, keeping them gently closed, as though you are playing the trumpet, or as though you are making a motorboat sound with your mouth. Keeping your mouth closed, let your lips relax and your tongue soften.

Slowly open your mouth, feeling a relaxed jaw, mouth and tongue. Then gently start to make subtle sounds, like you do at the end of a yawn. Nothing dramatic. Nothing big. Just easy does it. Allow the sounds to flow out of you, effortlessly. The less effort, the better. Simple “ah” sounds. Simple “oo” sounds. Simple “oh” sounds. Try “ee” or “eh”. Easy does it.

Keep following those sounds without trying to making something of them. You are not singing, or even trying to make anything really. Just follow what is and allow an unfolding to occur. Allow the inner sounds in you to emerge. Witness. Enjoy. Be. Follow this for some time. Then release.

(Continued tomorrow with Part 4: Gauge the Stage)


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